Tui 2000 Inc Logo

Tui 2000 Inc Logo

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Rat and Stoat Control

There was a lot of interest at the Waikato Show on how to help protect the nesting birds within the HCC boundaries.  The workshop below might be just right for you.

Trap designed and tested by Rex and John
Stoat and Rat Control Workshop
Wednesday 30 May
Darren Peters and Stu Barr will be demonstrating the latest version of the Goodnature A24 stoat and rat trap at the DOC Waikato Area Office. The demonstration is free and representatives from your organisation, community group / management committee / hapu / marae are welcome to attend.

10am - 12pm
5 Northway Street, Te Rapa

Please confirm your attendance and / or numbers from your group.
Jack de Thierry, Programme Manager - Community Relations,
Department of Conservation,  Ph:             07 850 8438       or             0274 385 044    

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Warren at Waiwhakareke

A Profile:
A stalwart member of Tui 2000 Inc. Warren Stace explains his role submitting funding applications on behalf of the Waiwhakareke project to pay for the plants each year.  Tui 2000 Inc. has made a commitment to attempt to raise $120,000 a year for plants - a massive undertaking for such a small group of committed environmentalists.
As a member of Tui 2000 and the ‘Waiwhakareke funding guy,’ Warren sits alongside Hamilton City Council staff and the representatives from Wintec, Friends of Waiwhakareke, University of Waikato and Hamilton  Zoo that make up the project’s management group. The group meets monthly to keep plans on track for Waiwhakareke’s future.
Warren was recently awarded an Hamilton City Council Community Award for his work for the environment.

Stand at Waikato Show
Hi Everyone
Firstly my apologies for not adding to our blog site for such a long time.  Working bees have been happening at Waiwkakareke, Barrretts Bush, Maungakawa and the Potting group at Tamahere.  A very successful open afternoon was held at Waiwhakareke with 70 people attending.  Many were from the neighbourhood. We have also had students from the School of Ed helping out as well.
. It has been a full on few days for Tui 2000 and its affiliated groups. We all pulled together in different ways - what with Waiwhakareke planting and using plants from the potting group, being at the Waikato show, helping with setting up the stand and dismantling, dressing up as a tui - thanks Allan, signing the papers for the Ministry for the Environment grant for Waiwhakareke, thanks to Warren and Andrew C for preparing the application and Moira for collecting our new seal. and Katherine H for organising us all for the stand and keeping us supported secretarial wise.
There was an immense amount of networking happening between the groups at the Show and we were all able to help each other and assist the people to get answers to their queries.  I think the only one I couldn't help with was a chap trying to buy house plants.
Last night (Monday 30th)  we also had an event at Te Awamutu as the Friends of Maungakawa were nominated for an Environment award with Trustpower and Waipa District Council.  They missed this year but look out 2013!  It is amazing when you go to an event such as that to see how many diverse groups there are in the community spending hours working for each other.  I think it is time to return that question onto the Census.  Dale and the group have made an enormous difference at the Gudex Reserve - a must visit place.  Plantings and plans are still developing for more work up there and a new DOC walkway is to open soon.  We are not all 'talk-fests' as Nick Smith said of volunteer groups in 1999-2000.
Hope some of you can make it to Arbour Day on 1st June plantings at Waiwhakareke.  You are asked to register with the Hamilton City Council  Parks and Gardens if you are going.   Free buses will be leaving from various points around town.
Guess who - and not a duck!
We will be supporting our submissions made on the current HCC and WRC plans.
Thanks again for all your support,