There was a lot of interest at the Waikato Show on how to help protect the nesting birds within the HCC boundaries. The workshop below might be just right for you.
Trap designed and tested by Rex and John |
Wednesday 30 May
Darren Peters and Stu Barr will be demonstrating the latest version of the Goodnature A24 stoat and rat trap at the DOC Waikato Area Office. The demonstration is free and representatives from your organisation, community group / management committee / hapu / marae are welcome to attend.
10am - 12pm
5 Northway Street, Te Rapa
Please confirm your attendance and / or numbers from your group.
Jack de Thierry, Programme Manager - Community Relations,
Department of Conservation, Ph: 07 850 8438 or 0274 385 044
Thanks for providing recent updates regarding the concern, I look forward to read more. Get Rid of Wasps Bath